Selasa, 09 September 2014

Speech Contest to Celebrate Islamic New Year (1435 H)

Assalamu’alaikum everybody….
Yeaaaah, back to refresh my mind with blogging in calm condition of Saturday night. In this chance, I want to share one of my unreplaceable experiences (again) to you. Yap, I want to share my speech contest in my school to celebrate Islamic new year 1435 H.
For celebrating Islamic new year 1435, my school, SMA Negeri 1 Mangunjaya was present an event. There’re like a competition in every subject.
The competition was held in 7th of November 2013. Every class must send one for every subject of competition. There’re adzan contest, hafidz contest, kaligrafi contest, MTQ contest, and speech contest.
OMG! I was so surprised when all of the student in my class choosed me to join the contest. Yes, for speech contest. I was feeling honour but in other side, I was felt so hard. Not for long time, but the information about the competition, 3 days before it happened.
I am a type person whom always doing something all out. I realized, that all things in the world not perfect, but I always want to do the best. Honestly, my target is winning this competition.
I made a speech teks in one night. In not easy, but my teks succesed bring me be the first winner in speech contest.
Guess what my title of it? Yes, I choosed to give a title “Assababu Rijalul Goddi” do you know what the meaning of it?
The meaning of my speech is “the teenager of nowdays are the leader of future.”

Yey, and I used three language in my speech. There’re English, Arabic, and Indonesia language. Last night, before i perform. I was efforting to memorize it until 03.00 am. Yeaaaaaaah, I was so sleepy, but I told you before that I am a type person whom always doing something all out, too much worries in all my matters. Although, i realized it not good for my brain.
But, alhamdulillah… because my struggles, I was being a winner in this competition! Not just glad, but I was so grateful to my God that taught me, many things could I do here.

Putri Nabil

(23 November 2013)

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