Jumat, 19 September 2014

Sertijab (Serah Terima Jabatan)

Assalamu’alaikum teman-teman!
Oke, langsung aja yaa bahas SERTIJAB (Serah Terima Jabatan di OSIS). And, this is my continue journey…..
OSIS 2012-2013 à OSIS 2013 - 2014
Dan ternyata, setelah kemarin aku melakukan LDK. Aku langsung serah terima jabatan di OSIS. Hahaha, ya ampun aku terharu tapi SANGAT TERTANTANG!
Aku lagi males nge-post nih, jadi aku kasih tau program kerjanya aja yaa:
The program in SEKBID 10 (communication and information in English)

·         The first point is: Make an English day every
·         The second point is: Making article in English. The third point is: make an event for speech contest at least three times / semester
·         The fouth point is: make a fun learning for studying english
·         The fifth point is: Bring dictionary every English lesson

·         The last point is: Be Master of Ceremony in Graduatin Day of 12nd Grade
Ya, programnya gak banyak dan gak se-complicated kalau aku jadi ketua OSIS, tapi percayalah ini akan lebih sulit dan penuh tantangan karena…
I told you before, not easy to share new language in the majority people who speak language mother. But, I believe… when there’s a want… there’s a way…I am sorry for this short posting… ummm… I think I must continue my studying about chemistry. Just for refreshing my mind when the stress is coming. Because I just wanna stress go out and with this way (writing) I found my comfort zone…

Selamat bertugas ya kakak


(9 Desember 2013)

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